In its 17th year, the Everywoman Award celebrates the remarkable contributions women make to the transport and logistics sector, highlighting their progression, achievements, and the expanding opportunities within this traditionally male-dominated industry.

With women representing just 21% of a workforce that numbers over 1.5 million and contributed £214 billion to the UK economy in 2020, the importance of diversity is clear. Research consistently shows that diverse teams are better equipped to foster innovation and drive growth.

Join us in celebrating the three extraordinary finalists whose personal stories of dedication and success are paving the way for future generations of women in transport and logistics.

Picture of  Vicky

Vicki Gabbani, Talent, Development & Knowledge Manager, UK & Ireland

What does it mean to you being nominated for the Everywoman Award, and what does this recognition mean to you both on a personal and professional level?

Being nominated by my colleagues initially was a huge surprise and of course a great honor. I know how busy everyone is, so the fact they had even taken the time to do so was very touching. I’m so lucky to work with so many kind and thoughtful people.

To then actually progress to this stage has taken me even more by surprise. It’s so important that we look outside the organisation not only to sense check our own progress, but to get inspiration from others; this platform allows us to do exactly that. Hopefully it also gives us the opportunity to provide inspiration to colleagues within Maersk and in the industry in general.

Reflecting on your time at Maersk, can you describe some pivotal moments where their support for gender diversity significantly shaped your career?

I took part in Strategies 4 Success in 2021 and it was a huge turning point for me. S4S is an accelerated development program specifically designed for Women across Maersk who want to maximize their career potential and enhance their performance. Throughout my career (which has primarily been front line) I deprioritised my own development and didn’t spend enough time thinking about what I needed or what and who could help me – something S4S confirmed is common with women. This course gave me the time, space, support and insight to encourage me to try. Since then I’ve changed roles completely, am involved in CSR and MIX (Maersk Inclusion for Excellence)… and now this… that says something surely.

The Everywoman Awards can play a really important part in showing women in the industry what we can achieve, in so many different roles and in so many ways.

Vicki Gabbani
Talent, Development & Knowledge Manager, UK & Ireland
Picture of brittany

Brittany O Neill, Customer Experience Manager UK & Ireland

Every journey has its inspiration. What sparked your interest in the logistics industry, and how has your experience been navigating this path?

Throughout this process, I’ve come to realise there seems to be two career pathways in my family, teaching or logistics and I chose to follow the latter! I would say my experience is a testament to the importance of having a strong network and positive role models. Having mentors and colleagues who believed in me from the early stages of my career really gave me the belief I could grow and succeed.

What does it mean to you being nominated for the Everywoman Award, and what does this recognition mean to you both on a personal and professional level?

It was a surreal moment when I received the notification that I was nominated for the Everywoman Award. It allowed me to reflect on all the incredible women I’ve worked with over the past 9 years and how lucky I am to be considered one of them by my peers. The recognition has given me a confidence boost, highlighting the value of my contributions. It also served as a reminder of my personal and professional journey over the past 2.5 years, which has taken me in unexpected and fulfilling directions. I hope this nomination will inspire other women in the industry by showing that they too can overcome challenges and achieve success, even in a traditionally male-dominated field like logistics.

The recognition from the Everywoman Award has not only boosted my confidence but also highlighted the value of my contributions, inspiring me to continue striving for excellence.

Brittany O Neill
Customer Experience Manager UK & Ireland
Picture of Daniel

Danielle Walker, Client Manager UK & Ireland

What inspired you to pursue a career in the logistics industry, and how has your journey been as a woman in this field?

I was tempted into a career of transport and logistics by a friend who sold the industry as a fast-paced, non-stop environment that required problem-solving and a strong team ethos. It’s been all of those things and much more. At times, it feels like a lifestyle rather than a job—it never stops and has certainly changed my perspective to only concentrate on the things you can impact or change. It is still not unusual that I’m the only woman in meetings; however, over the last 14 years, the landscape has certainly started to change. Working for a company that is actively trying to drive the agenda and understands that diversity brings new ideas and a different dynamic to the forum makes things easier.

Reflecting on your time at Maersk, can you describe some pivotal moments where their support for gender diversity significantly shaped your career?

Maersk has been instrumental in supporting and promoting gender diversity within the logistics industry. They understand that diversity brings new ideas and a different dynamic to the forum. This understanding has been crucial in providing an environment where everyone is heard. Maersk's active efforts to drive this agenda have made a significant impact on my career by fostering a culture where diverse perspectives are valued and where I can contribute effectively without feeling the need to conform to outdated stereotypes.

My nomination for the Everywoman Award showcases how supporting gender diversity can lead to significant contributions and recognition within the logistics industry.

Danielle Walker
Client Manager UK & Ireland

Women in transport and logistics at Maersk

At Maersk, we're building a culture where everyone can feel at home and a future where all, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities, and feel empowered to contribute and grow their careers in technology.

Find out more about women in transport and logistics at Maersk here:

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