Where can I access my Export and Import documents on maersk.com?

You can easily access your Export and Import documents on Maersk.com directly through our Shipment Details application or the Export Overview application.  

These are the type of documents, along with the parties that have access. Please note, all documents are in PDF format.

Booking Confirmation
  • Booked by
  • Price owner
Equipment Release Order
  • Booked by
Verify Copy
  • Transport Document Receiver
  • Outward forwarder
Bill of Lading / Waybill
  • Transport document receiver
Certified True Copy
  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Transport document receiver
  • First notify party
  • Additional notify party
  • Outward forwarder
Arrival Notice
  • Consignee
  • First notify party
  • Additional notify party
Delivery Order
  • Consignee
  • Release to Party

Financial documents
All financial documents, including invoices and statements are available to the relevant party via the MyFinance application. For more information please see MyFinance.

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