Maersk Growth

Maersk Growth is the global partner for external innovation at A.P. Moller - Maersk on a mission to digitise, democratise, and decarbonise supply chains, investing in and partnering with promising startups to support new business models and technologies.

Strategic insights

We are bringing strategic insights from the startup ecosystem into the heart of decision-making in Maersk to drive new thinking, actions and growth.

We spot early signals of emerging tech and business models trends which both support our leaders and industry fellows to navigate in the rapid evolving innovation ecosystem and effectively strategies.

By having a team working with strategic insights is both valuing our decision-making in Maersk and our stakeholder engagement by bringing in new perspectives and knowledge from the
frontier of our industry.

Malene Hartung
Strategic Insights Manager, Maersk Growth

Our approach

Two fold focus
Analysing the Supply Chain Tech and the Climate Tech startup ecosystem to identify trends, strategies and opportunities.
Our reply on startup and investment data as an predictor for future change for operating supply chains.
Agile pictogram
Inspire, provoke, & inform
We set out to expand horizons and bring new insights into decision-making.

Insights report

Dive into our hub of strategic insights on trends within the supply chain and climate tech ecosystem.

Top tech trends in supply chains of 2024

In today's rapidly evolving and interconnected global landscape, the intricate web of supply chains assumes a pivotal role in shaping our daily experiences. From the groceries on the shelves to the cutting-edge gadgets in our hands, supply chain management serves as the backbone of the modern economy.

2023 in Review

To kick off 2023, we sat down to reflect on the year ahead. With significant contributions from prominent colleagues, we shared our perspectives on the trends and tendencies we were convinced would set the stage for 2023.

Navigating new frontiers

Guided by the outlook of Graham L. Slack, Group Chief Economist, energy transition and technology leaders Nikolaj Kristensen, Ashish Saxena, Scott J Horn, and Arnt Harsmann.

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