Industry overview
The lifestyle industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Trends get formed in a day, putting the pressure on brands like you to keep up with them. Social media has not only put the end consumer in control, it now has the power to dictate demands. This has made it imperative for brands to fight out a constant battle of staying relevant.
In addition to this, you need to be aware of the other key driving factors that define your industry today. You must be present across multiple channels, craft strategies for sustainability, reach the market on time, and predict what your next move should be.
Under these circumstances, no matter how successful you’ve been in the past, your way of work needs to evolve continuously. For you, the ideal supply chain has an end-to-end logistics partner with the capability to customise solutions as per the changing demands in an agile and reliable way. Such a partner can support your on-demand production cycles, make sure that your product reaches the market on time, add to your technological capabilities, and provide insights to prepare you for every new wave.
Closing the loop: Fashion’s transition to circular systems
In circular fashion, logistics collaboration is the thread that binds everything together. By partnering with logistics providers, fashion companies can create efficient systems for collecting, sorting, and redistributing used garments. The logistics integration ensures materials flow back into the supply chain for reuse, recycling, and upcycling. Discover how the fashion industry and logistics providers can unite to close the loop on waste, extend product lifespans, and usher in a more circular future.
Let reverse logistics solutions enable circular fashion systems
One of the biggest goals of fashion companies is to extend product lifecycles, minimise waste and address the shifting consumer sentiment towards circularity. That’s why, they are partnering with logistics providers to tap into the potential benefits of using reverse logistics as a tool to scale circular fashion systems.
In the whitepaper, Reverse Logistics for Circular Fashion Systems: An Exploration of Untapped Potential, created in collaboration with Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), discover more about the 3 essential elements necessary to leverage reverse logistics to create an effective circular fashion system.
VF 公司:以數位化速度前進
經濟學家影響簡報, 破解困境: 克服短期數位化挑戰對於時尚生活產品型態公司的長期生存至關重要。根據全球生活型態公司的高管調查和專家訪談,我們制定了實用的解決方案,以促進生活型態中的「供應」鏈「創新」與「數位化」。
正如 Global Fashion Agenda 的 CEO Federica Marchionni 所述, 我們的目標是啟發、推動時尚產業的永續發展實踐。我們與馬士基合作,聽取全球時尚專家的意見,共同制定計劃和策略,在物流環節中減少 CO2e 排放量,以實現零碳目標。
VF Corporation 與馬士基:朝著淨零碳排放的目標合作
為了實現淨零碳排放,各個流行服飾與生活時尚品牌比以往任何時候都更致力於「供應鏈」的減碳。VF Corporation 致力於為其「供應鏈」和物流環節提供更永續發展的未來,因此與馬士基等同樣致力於減碳的行業領導者合作。
聽聽 VF Corporation 全球永續發展副總裁 Jeannie Renne-Malone 講述與馬士基合作在物流領域實踐永續發展目標的執行和其重要性,以為「供應 鏈」減碳。
三個連續系列的第一本電子書籍 以數碼針串連, 說明數位化如何在採購中發現新機遇,透過可追蹤性和需求預測降低浪費。
在供應鏈中將永續發展列為第一優先事項,對生活時尚產業來說日益重要,全球主要時尚零售商之一 H&M Group 就是很好的例子。
H&M Group 的長期願景是建立無石化燃料的供應鏈,與馬士基的合作對於透過綠色環保運輸、複合式聯運(例如電動火車和生質燃料卡車運輸)和裝設太陽能板的亞洲倉庫來實現此目標至關重要。一窺這次合作如何帶來真正的影響。
如今,您的業務不只是應對生活時尚產業中的變化。 還要努力順應地緣政治的風雲變幻以及可能的全球經濟放緩趨勢。 在這種情況下,您行業的需求動態已經發生巨大變化。 您需要根據這些消費者和社交媒體的需求,保持商品不斷更新,這對於確保業務連續性至關重要。
鑒於變化因素如此之多,您需要一種可以使您的全球貿易不斷發展的合作伙伴關係。 以下是我們的供應鏈策略能夠為您提供幫助的方式:
- 確保庫存並管理供應鏈的增減
- 最佳化現金流,規避風險
- 重新平衡供應鏈,擴展供應商體系
- 建立數位策略,適應不斷變化的需求和供應
- 更好的端到端供應鏈可見性,提高靈活性和彈性
- 使您的供應鏈適應環境可永續發展的長期要求
- 以行業為中心
所有運輸方式中最大的貨櫃運輸承運商,著重於生活時尚垂直產業業的物流需求 - 端到端解決方案
憑藉專注於您業務各個方面的解決方案,改善貨運量和財務狀況 - 經驗豐富
經過驗證的供應鏈解決方案,適用於大部分的全球頂級生活時尚品企業 - 戰略方針
獲得由外而內的視角和市場洞察力,激發您不斷改進自己的供應鏈 - 技術能力
「消費者的心態正在發生快速變化。 諸如亞馬遜、Uber、Netflix和Deliveroo這些技術領導者提高了客戶對速度和便利性的期望值」。
為變革而努力,這是我們當前行動和未來願望的基石。 這詳細說明了我們如何將我們對增長、創造價值和創新的關注與我們堅定的承諾相結合,以引領我們的行業進入一個更可永續發展的未來。