At Maersk Go, every choice we make has you, our customer, at the heart. We appreciate your trust and loyalty, and are committed to continuously enhancing your experience with us. With this in mind, in the coming period, you may notice some changes we are making to Maersk Go platform to streamline our offering to you.
We know sometimes when trying to book or follow up on your logistics moves, you may have faced challenges and glitches that may have made your booking and supply chain experience less optimal. We are making these changes to give you more system stability, ease and simplicity, and look forward to sharing more in the near future. These changes will be implemented incrementally, but you can look forward to more optionality and products getting added to the Maersk Go booking experience.
If you have any questions, please have a look at our page on Questions and Answers or please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are standing by to help.
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