我們在超大型貨物及重型貨物運送方面具有超過 40 年的從業經驗,更有無可比擬的全球航運網,因此,有能力將您的特殊貨物運送到全世界的任何地方。我們的國際特殊貨物專家團隊對於相關困難點瞭若指掌,隨時可從旁協助您完成每一個步驟。
超大型貨物及超重貨物的特點是超出單個標準貨櫃的容積和載運量。無論您是需要託運 350 噸重的拖船、46 公尺長的起重機吊桿臂還是 17 公尺長的推進器,我們都能提供相關的專業技術和設備。
- 貨物材積小於或等於平板櫃貨開頂櫃(亦即需要特殊設備,但不多佔貨船艙位)。
- 尺寸未超標範例:能從高處垂降至開頂櫃的機械或大樹。
- 如需託運尺寸未超標貨物,請造訪 maersk.com,即可幾分鐘內完成託運訂艙作業。。

- 貨物材積超過平板櫃或開頂櫃的長度、寬度或高度,但仍能成組裝櫃。
- 尺寸超標貨物範例:推進器、凸緣或卡車。

- 尺寸未超標貨物、尺寸超標貨物及散裝貨物 24 小時詢價/報價服務 特殊貨物專家隨時就近提供服務。
- 一般散裝貨物範例:遊艇、桅杆、工業機械或列車車廂。

Cargo container specifications
Kindly note dimensions vary with container series – for dimensions of specific unit please contact us.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.
Maximum Payload: The maximum permitted mass of payload, including the dunnage and cargo securement arrangements that are not associated with the container in its normal operating condition.
Tare weight: Mass of empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with a particular type of container in its normal operating condition.
Maximum Gross weight: The maximum mass for operating a container, including the tare weight and the maximum payload.
Units expressed in kilograms.